Envios 24-48h - Grátis a partir de 50€

Barritas de Cacao Justy


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (+3000 reviews)

MAX : "Ce jus est absolument incroyable ! Le mélange de mangue, de fruit de la passion et d'orange est comme une fête tropicale dans ma bouche. Et le fait de savoir qu'il est bourré de vitamine C le rend encore meilleur."

❄️ Pressed with slow juicer and shock-freezed
♻️ Packaged in sustainable glass bottles
🚚 Free Delivery in your first order
🥳 +275.000 happy orders

This red juice not only bears the color of love, but the taste also lives up to the name. The fresh, sour and sweet flavors of the red fruits, including strawberry and raspberry, come through beautifully and make it a real treat for your taste buds. The juice is wonderful to enjoy on a warm summer evening. Plus, it's packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C and potassium. Love you!


Par 100g


426 kcal / 1788 kJ


11 gr


19 gr

Dos quais saturados

3,9 gr

Hidratos de carbono

46 g

Dos quais açúcares

32 g

Food fibres

12 gr


0,03 gr

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